Biosensor / Biochip

BioDot’s ultra-low-volume dispensing platforms provide the scalability, speed, accuracy, and precision manufacturers need to make biosensors and biochips feasible, both economically and functionally. BioDot technologies print reagents precisely, at picoliter volumes and at rapid speeds.
Examples of biosensor applications that use BioDot’s dispensing technology:
- Bioelectronics
- DNA chips, nucleic acid sensors and aptasensors
- Enzyme-based biosensors
- Immunosensors
- Lab-on-a-Chip
- Mobile diagnostics and personal health
- Nanobiosensors, nanomaterials and nanoanalytical systems
- Natural and synthetic receptors (including MIPs)
- Organism and whole cell-based biosensors
- Printed biosensors and microfabrication
- Theranostics and implantable sensors
- Microfluidics
Dispense Discrete Droplet™ Picoliter, Nanoliter, and Microliter volumes with unmatched speed and precision by combining our proprietary Rainmaker™ and BioJet™ dispensing technologies on one platform.
- Aspirate/Dispense and/or bulk dispense
- Volume ranges from picoliters to microliters
- Print into microwells, plates, slides, and user-defined labware
- Different dispenser choices for larger volumes or viscous reagents
- User-defined dispense routines

Biosensor / Biochip Products