
The Omnia delivers precise pL, nL, and µL drops with unmatched speed using Rainmaker™ and BioJet™ technologies, perfect for applications where drop size matters
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- Up to 4 Channels
- Picoliter to Microliter Volumes (see options)
- Aspirate/Dispense and Direct Dispense
- Motorized X, Y, Z Axes
- Dispense area of 365 x 250 mm
- Dispense onto Slides, Plates or Membranes
- Includes choice of nest (see options)
- Integrated Wash/Vacuum Station
- Vision LITE camera system for positioning
- ILD5000 In-Line Degasser
- PC Control Workstation with LINK2020 Software
- R&D and Production Throughput
- Picoliter & Nanoliter Dispensing
- Intuitive Software
- Horizontal & Vertical Cameras
- Configurable Worktable
- Ultrasonic Wash Station
- Scalable, Field Upgradeable Dispensing Channels
*Dispense Volumes are Dispenser Technology Dependent
- Biosensor / Biochip
- Microarray
- DNA, Cell, Protein Dispensing
- Multiplex ELISA's
- Lab-on-a-Chip
- Low Volume PCR
- Custom Applications
- Lateral Flow
- Microfluidics
- Flow through
- Mass spectrometry
- 3D cell printing
- Synthetic Biology
- Single cell dispensing
- Direct Titration/IC 50
- Drug Discovery
- Drug Delivery
- Plate array/microarray
pL to nL Dispensing Technologies
nL to μL Dispensing Technologies
Nest Options
- 6 or 8 Microwell Plate (dispensing technology dependent)
- 27 or 36 Slides (dispensing technology dependent)
- Vac/Mag
- Flat Datum
- Custom
- Service and Support Packages