Application Notes & White Papers

Single-Droplet Microsensor for Ultra-Short Circulating Tumor EFGR Mutation Detection in Lung Cancer Based on Multiplex EFIRM Liquid Biopsy

In this research paper, Fang. W, et. al explored the ground-breaking potential of a single droplet microsensor in identifying ultra-short circulating tumor EGFR mutations, opening up new avenues for multiplex EFIRM liquid biopsy.

In layman’s terms, a single droplet of patient liquid tissue could be used to quickly identify rare DNA mutations indicative of tumor growth in the lungs, when combined with an electrical field-induced release and measurement (EFIRM). This research used a BioDot Omnia combined with a Rainmaker dispenser to place 50pL probe droplets and control droplets.

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Single-Droplet Microsensor for Ultra-Short Circulating Tumor EFGR Mutation Detection in Lung Cancer Based on Multiplex EFIRM Liquid Biopsy
Single-Droplet Microsensor for Ultra-Short Circulating Tumor EFGR Mutation Detection in Lung Cancer Based on Multiplex EFIRM Liquid Biopsy
Single-Droplet Microsensor for Ultra-Short Circulating Tumor EFGR Mutation Detection in Lung Cancer Based on Multiplex EFIRM Liquid Biopsy
Single-Droplet Microsensor for Ultra-Short Circulating Tumor EFGR Mutation Detection in Lung Cancer Based on Multiplex EFIRM Liquid Biopsy
Single-Droplet Microsensor for Ultra-Short Circulating Tumor EFGR Mutation Detection in Lung Cancer Based on Multiplex EFIRM Liquid Biopsy
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